Which of these shall I wash the dwarves with, given the choice...? Multiple choices, "all of the above", and "indifferent" are all equally good options.
- forgotten beast soap
- dog soap
- cat soap
- mule soap
- horse soap
- sheep soap
- reindeer soap
- yak soap
- llama soap
- alpaca soap
- groundhog soap
- one-humped camel soap
- honey badger soap
If only I could get some troglodyte soap. That would definitely be my favorite. The troglodytes are skilling up my doctors by giving civilians broken fingers and toes occasionally, and I'd love to see them turn into soap...But alas, troglodytes are inedible, so no butchering, no tallow, and no soap.
Well. All tallow that is not selected for soap will be made into roasts.
My migrant cook, Sodel Deepblockades, is up to Master level now, and is starting to make Meng-like masterwork meals. Let's see if he flips out when people eat them. Meng is still turning over in his grave each time a roast he made gets eaten, even though he is dead. Poor Meng.
As part of his initiation, Sodel Deepblockades checked out the statues, several of which are of Meng.
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